Glass Quartz Bangers. Flat top crystal clear quartz bangers. These are all clear 100% quartz crystal bangers. We have a huge selection of quartz bangers in all sizes (10mm, 14mm and 18mm male and female) to fit any dab rig. Our quartz bangers are insanely affordable and high quality made with clear crystal quartz glass with no frost. If you want the best flavor from your concentrates, a quartz banger is the absolute best way to achieve that. All of our quartz bangers require use of a butane torch.
Quartz is one of the most abundant and widely distributed minerals in nature and is the only stable polymorph of crystalline silica on the Earth ‘s surface. It is found in all forms of rocks: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. It becomes concentrated in soils, bodies of water and sand when a quartz-bearing rock is weathered or eroded.
Choose from all sizes 10 mm, 14 mm or 18 mm in either male or female and 45 degree angle or 90 degree angles.
We are also selling the Glass Quartz Bangers in regular 2 mm and heavy 4 mm thick.
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