
New Year New Smokes

New Year New Smokes

Winter cleaning doesn’t stop in the closet. Do yourself a favor and rid your home of all the gunk and consider giving your device and tobacco product collection a home makeover. Enjoy our guide to cleaning, cleansing, and buying first-rate CBD and tobacco related products to get you off on the right foot as you step into the New Year.

Clean Out the Closet

No one is a fan of clutter, dirt, or grime. A cluttered home is a cluttered mind, and we don’t want to carry any of that with us into 2022, do we? It’s time to say goodbye to any smoking devices that no longer serve you (or at least clean the ones that are oldies but goodies) and upgrade to that new one. If you’re unsure where to begin, not to fret. We’ve got you covered.

Let’s start by doing some simple housekeeping of your current smoking collection…is there anything you’ve had for ages? What about anything that hasn’t seen the light of day in weeks and is gathering dust in the corner of your bedroom? Take some quick inventory and assess what should be removed, cleaned, or regifted to someone else.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How are your smoking devices looking? Is there any gunk lining the encasing? What about cracks and breaks? Is it time for a new pipe or Chillum? Or do you simply need to get some cleaning solution.
  • Are your tobacco grinding mechanisms functioning at optimal potential? Is it still easy to use or does it get stuck? Is it time to invest in a better grinder?
  • What do you store your devices in? Are your cases looking clean? Are they getting the job done with keeping your tobacco safe and fresh? How about your pipe cases?

Expand Your Contraptions

If your current grinder has been with you as far back as you can remember, it might be time to consider an upgrade. Treat yourself! The Cali Crusher Homegrown 4 part grinder comes in two different sizes and will elevate the way you grind and smoke. It has grooved edges for easy grip with a new blade layout which is covered under a lifetime warranty. It cuts one way, fluffs another, and has a quick-lock mechanism, so you know your supply is safe and sealed.

Need a new vehicle to inhale a nice long toke? Our classy Six Shooter Pipe is an incredible device that rotates with six chambers. The handheld tobacco pipe is designed to allow one to six bowls to be used in a single rotation. Simply rotate and align the desired bowl with a pipe and light. It is not only easy to use, but easy to clean. This stylish device is sure to enhance your smoking experience.

Let’s get one thing straight–ashtrays and debowlers are essential no matter whether you smoke frequently or once in a blue moon. With the low price of $6.95, why not rejuvenate your bedside or living room coffee table with a new, clean Debowler Ashtray and Poker? New year, new debowler!

If you don’t want to invest in anything too pricey, at the very least you can get some new replacements for your bowl pieces. If you have an Incredibowl, treat yourself to some Incredibowl replacement screens in a set of 5. Give yourself the gift of a clean and smooth smoking experience.

Elevate Your Experience

Planning to get up your steps per day and get extra active once January 1st hits? Then you’ll definitely want to cop our Earthly Body CBD Triple Strength Cream, perfect to soothe muscle tension and pain, all while moisturizing and rehydrating your skin. As most people initiate extreme goals come the first of the month, it’s safe to say that prepping for post-gym muscle recovery is key to keeping on track.

Our Earthly Body CBD is all-natural, rich and creamy and contains 180mg of CBD. It consists of Shea butter, Aloe, Lavender essential oils, and other naturally derived ingredients, so you know you’re nourishing your skin with nontoxic ingredients. This has three times the strength, as the original formula, is THC free, vegan, non-psychoactive. Perfect for post-workout or after a long day of work, and creates an immediate sensation.

If you’re on the go a lot, you’ll likely want a pocket piece to carry along with you. Our Honeycomb Glass Bats is a uniquely colored glass Chillum with a 7-hole honeycomb screen. We offer a variety of colors, including cobalt, blue, pink, amber, clear, jade/green, smoke/grey, so you can match whatever outfit you’re wearing.

Seasonal cleaning is a great way to practice “out with the old, in with the new!” What better way to ring in the New Year than with a clean space, clean gadgets, and removal of excess waste.

Thank you for reading and happy cleaning!


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